Muamal crouched by the side of the lake filling her water vases when she saw him approach. A handsome man whos eyes were deep and soft. They spoke breifly and knew in that instant they had a deep love for one another. But alas, he already had 3 wives from arranged marriages and could not marry her as she was a great woman and he a lowly merchant. Muamal confessed her love to him none-the-less and he returned the next day to feast on her beauty. Every week he would take the long cart ride to the lakes edge to meet with her and the shared stories and and spoke of their hearts desires. His wives however, grew suspicious of his absences and so one night sabotaged the wheel on his cart. Stuck by the side of the road he was unable to come to his love. Muamal waited till the sun set and returned distraught to her home. Shocked by Muamals sadness her sister dressed up in a merchants clothes and laughed with her till she finally, exhausted fell asleep. When he arrived late into the night he saw her, in bed with another merchant and left, never to return. Muamal sent him many letters begging him to return, unsure of what she had done to turn him away, but his wives destroyed them before he could see them. Muamal, devastated by the loss of her love, walked to the lake where she had met him and drowned herself. When he heard of her death, he came to the lake where the sister explained the truth to him and he, racked with sorrow threw himself into the lake. For a life without love, is no life worth living.-The great love tragedy of Muamal sang to us by palace musicians in Jaisalmer.
We are still in Jaisalmer and I wasn't expecting to update again so soon, but last night was so magical I simply MUST put it down here in words. After updating I met a lady on the street called Samgiita who took me to her salon for an Ayurvedic massage, facial, threading and once I was completely relaxed her beautiful daughter painted my arm and hand with henna.

After a quick shower it was off to the sari shop to be fitted up with an evenings dining at the Palace restaurant.

When we arrived however we were not expecting to be greated by the Prince of Rajastan himself!! who was residing at the palance that night. What an honour it was to watch the sunset over the beautiful Jaisalmer Fort standing by the Prince of this great land himself!!

The food was AMAZING the best I have ever eaten (despite Lisa, Susan and Gemma munching into the 'green beans' only to find they were infact, green chillis!) Musch to the shock of our lovely guide Ikshwarku, we ordered almost everything on the menu so we could feast like royalty on the local specailities.

No more than 10 minutes after we had feasted did the palace musicians come out to play for us. They sang and played with a variety of instruments entertaining us with a fabulous show of puppets and we all got up to dance on the roof and marvel at the pleasures of India. It was such an incredible joy and honour and we celebrated well into the night.

Holy Cow what and adventure!!!
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