Oyantutambo = the day before starting the Inca Trail. Just a few warm up steps:
The beggining point of the Inca Trail, two intrepid travellers setting off on the journey of a lifetime...
The view of the journey ahead.
Waking up at camp the morning of day 2. What a view to wake up to!
The 'boob' in the distance. The high point of the walk day 2. Dead Woman's Pass 4650m above sea level.
Power nappin!
Me at the Sun Gate - the entrance to Machu Pichu - Day 4 (I AM THE MOST AWSOME PERSON ALIVE!!!!! heh it certainly felt that way when this pictire was taken anyways :oP )
OHMYGOD Its snowing!!! - Day 2 in Chile's snow fields. My first time seeing snow - this is before the blizard - more on that to come!
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