We've climbed mountains together, explored ancient ruins, delved into religeous origins and meditated for days on the inner knowing of self. Now its time to feel the burn! The latest installment of NGT takes us through California - dreaming of a festival of freedom, self expression and sparks the soul fire. Come ride with me on the 2011 odyssey to the Burning Man festival Nevada.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Party Town
there I met Glenn the barman, his friend Riss the Indian boy from the English style restaurant next door called "The Chippy" and a taxi driver called Umesh who goes by the nickname UK. The three boys were terribly upset that I would be all alone and have no plans for my evenings in Goa their party town. And so Umesh took me out to a place called Bardays to sing kareoke. There I met lots of locals who were still relaxing together before the season started.
Goa seems to have a load of english people living here. They work in England 6 months of the year and here 6 months and live a pretty good life. I met a gay couple who are the owners of the famous Paradise Nightclub a gay party goers mecca and a few others who own bars, cafe's and restaurats. I had a ball singing Kareoke with them including dancing the night away with a gorgeous 6 year old girl who was so excited to have someone new and fun to play with. We stayed till stumps and I promised to meet them again soon before I left.
Yeterday i went to the Mapusa (pron Mapsa) markets to do some exploring/shopping. I WISH i had taken my camera because it was really extremilly interesting and I managed to while away quite a few hours (and dollars) there.
In the afternoon i met with a guy called Max who was organising the final adjustments on some summer dresses I'd had tailored in town and then spent the afetrnoon chillaxing and sharing yarns with Glenn over the downstairs bar.
Ramesh came to pick me up at 8 and we went out to a place called St Anthoy's, a beach front bar and restaurant. Much to my surprise Ramesh had arranged for a romanticly candle lit private table in a closed off section of the bar. It was nice to be dotted over but not long into the meal Ramesh was pouring out his heart as the lonely bachelor in a town of love and I realised this was a well rehearshed tactic. Ramesh told me all about this fabulous beach about 2 hours drive out of town and asked me if I wanted to go visit there the next day. On further enquirey I found that he wanted me to stay in a beach shack and, as it would be too far to go and come back, he too would need somewhere today... Perhaps he could stay with me in my room...?
The penny dropped and although the food was great the night lost its flavour. We went to a kareoke bar and met up with more locals for a sing along but by 11pm I wanted to go home and plans to spend the day together the next day were cancelled.
Today I changed hotels to a place called the Bougainvillia Hotel in Anjuna (the famous hippy part of town) and am tossing up weather to hold fast on my promise to meet those first night locals at St Anthony's for Jeffs birthday party and you guessed it... more Kareoke or to stay in my nice hotel, play a game of pool and watch TV alone...
We shall see....
As it is, tomorrow Im gonna hire a motorbike taxi and explore the northern beaches for the day. Still loads of fun to be had!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Spices Plantation and Heffalumps in Goa
Monday, October 5, 2009
I'm in Goa!
After chatting with the airport staff and a few frantic walkie talkie conversations it turned out that my luggage had arrived safely in.... Bombay... DOH!
They told me they would sort it out and I did my best to be relaxed and jovial about the whole thing. So far I've learned in my travels that most people will go out of their way to help someone who is kind to them when they stuff things up.
So I went into Goa, found my hotel and checked in. I've met up with some great friends I met in the North of India and we went out for dinner. When we got back to my hotel, there was my bag! In the lobby! they had got it onto the very next flight to Goa and then couriered it for me. How sweet!
I've changed to a different hotel today called Hotel Crossroads on Calendute the main strip of Goa. Its only 700Rs (around $18AUD) a night which is a bargain for Goa and although fairly basic has everything i need including lovely clean sheets on a DOUBLE BED!!! The beaches here are crap despite all hype and I think I'll avoid them and take the next few days to go elephant riding, d a bit of shopping and exploring in other ways.
I'm happy and feeling safe and confident. I'm really looking forward to seeing my loved ones when I get home but am also really relaxed and happy here.
Goodbye to a friend
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Vipassana 10 day Meditation Course
I had just told Loren that I intended to quit my stable, rewading and interesting job the following day to go to India. She, as a good friend does, had invited me around to get ridiculously drunk and explain my sudden and unprecendented reallocation of priorities.
And here I find myself. I've been in India for 5 or so weeks and more importantly I've spent the last 10 days observing the complete silence and lifestyle of a Vipassana monk in an ashram called Dhamma Setu just 80kms outside of Chennai in India's South.
The 10 days was gruelling, hard continuous work that constantly toyed in the rhelms of . Day 4 I was meditating (of course) focusing my mind to hone in on my personal sadness, I'd been through a lot that day and somehow my instincts kicked in with some self soothing. These are some are the sensory experiences that popped into my mind:
The glory, as stunning as a sunrise, that can be seen in Loren's eyes when her pixy-like face fills with a full smile. That smile says "Mischief is about to occur and its going to be FANTASTIC!"
The incredible beauty in Jay's face when she is dancing. As her flushed face moves amongst a tangle of hair her whole essence seems to embody freedom.
The complete, satisfying and comforting smell of my mums hair when she gives me a really squeesy hug.
Tenille's deliciously devlish laugh that without words in any language tells an entire story of joy.
Sharng a glass of good red wine over a relaxed conversation on a cool summer's evening with Lisa.
The way my grandad lifts his feet off the floor and rubs his hands together before telling a great story or joke and the way my grandma rests her hand on his shoulder and smiles at me when I'm drinking a cup of tea.
The way my dad drinks tea through a straw and listens intently and seriously to everything I have to say without a trace of judgement.
The way Nathan assumes complete control of my kitchen when he comes around for dinner and unveils the ingredients of what he intends to cook in tupperware containers with performance-like enthusiasm.
The chorus of laughter my friends make when they all sit around eating and drinking together. The way ethusiastic dancing and singing always sporadicly errupts.
The way Kieran and Callum's toothy, eyes shut, rosy cheeked smile is exactly the same and appears at exactly the same time.
The scotch and honey sound of barry's husky smooth singing voice when he sings Jay's favourite lullabye. "Hush-a-bye, lullabye, time to go to sleep now my baby"
Madeleine laugh. Madeleine's wonderfuly mad and heart warming laugh!
These are just a few and they are not in any particular order. These are treasures at my core which I cherish and it appears, are able to pick me up from the bottom, dust me off and throw me back onto the dance floor of life.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Last you'll hear from me for a while
I guess I just dont know and the unknowing is both as breathtakingly terrifying as it is incredibly liberating and soul cleansing. I dont know what will happen, I dont know what will change, but something big is happening in my life and I am running at it full speed ahead.
Wish me luck. Think of me. I will think of you. I'll see you on the other side.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Physical adventure over - Spiritual Journey Begins
i was really sick when i left Calcutta, had this horrible cold sweating going on, was unable to hold down food and was experiencing this strange tingling feeling which made me feel like I was trapped in the middle of a cold shiver. Thanks to Ikshwarku my amazing North India tour guide, I have checked into a basic yet reasonably good hotel room with aircon and a TV and slept for the last 2 days.
I'm feeling considerably better today, but still can't be bothered going exploring or adventuring. I think i'm calling a time out and am happy with waiting 2 hours for my lousy room service meals, watching Charlies Angels on tv and reading my book in the comfort of my single (slightly odd smelling) hotel bed.
Tomorrow I go on the next phase of my joruney. I am scheduled to go to an ashram called Dhamma Setu just outside of Chennai for 10 days of silent meditation.
Its a rigerous schedule whch involves more than 12 hours of meditation per day (starting at 4am) and requires you to keep complete 'noble silence; meaning I will not be able to communicate with anyone at all for the next 10 days.
From their website:
Vipassana is one of India's most ancient meditation techniques. Long lost to humanity, it was rediscovered by Gotama the Buddha more than 2500 years ago. The word Vipassana means seeing things as they really are. It is the process of self-purification by self-observation. One begins by observing the natural breath to concentrate the mind. With a sharpened awareness one proceeds to observe the changing nature of body and mind and experiences the universal truths of impermanence, suffering and egolessness. This truth-realization by direct experience is the process of purification.
For safety sake below is all the contact information for the centre. In case of emergency contact the management there and they will contact me.
The Centre
Vipassana Meditation Centre,'Dhamma Setu',533 Pazhanthandalam Road,Thirumudivakkam,(Via Thiruneermalai),Chennai - 600 044.INDIA.
Telephone (Landline): +91-44-24780953, +91-44-24783311, +91-44-64504142
Telephone (Mobile): +91-9444021622 (Mr. Vinayak)
E-mail: info@setu.dhamma.org
City Office
Meridian Apparels Limited,Meridian House, 121/3 T.T.K. Road,Manickam Avenue, Chennai - 600 018. INDIA.
Telephone (Landline): +91-44-24994646, +91-44-42111000
Fax: +91-44-24994477, +91-44-42111777
After the emditation I plan to fly to Goa for the last 10 days of my trip to meet up wth some great friends I have met along the way and perhaps do a PADI dive course or something while I'm there. I havn't booked anything because I'm not sure how I will feel after all of that meditative 'purification' but I figre after 10 days of silence I will want to speak to some people.
I also seem to have found a fan in Pushkar called Kuldeep Singh (he was the incredibly handsome owner of the hotel I stayed in) who has sent me many emails in teh last few days and is keen for me to return to visit him before I leave India. You never know...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Catching an overnight train
"Madam wheruu frrrrom?"
I'm from Australia
"how many India?"
I,ve been here for 3 weeks but will stay for 2 months total
"two months not very plenty"
I know but I've only got so much money and travel is quite expensive
"You student?"
"No I'm not a student. I'm a circus performer. What is your job?"
"what do you do for work?"
what is your occupation?"
"ohh I am student. Business management. Study English 2 years. I practice with you"
By this time a good 20 people are staring at you in amazement. 2 people are translating your highly in depth conversation to the crowd and another is fighting over what you just said with his grandmother who casually smacks him arcross the back of the head to make her point.
An announcement comes over the PA that suggests that your train will be arriving shortly, but on a totally different platform, so you pheft on your pack again, sling your handbag over your shoulder and attach your day pack to your chest, wave goodbye to your new found friend who is asking you o visit his family's store next time your in town and waddle like a turtle up what seems like an enormous staircase.
Finally your train arrives and you see with dismay your carriage was at the front of the train and you are in the middle of the platform. You waddle at jogging speed with your extra 20kgs of luggage strapped to your body towards your carriage, hoping that your thongs dont give way on the slippery and uneven surface. You heft yourself into your carriage and are immediately rewarded with the cool slap of airconditioning running at full. You made it! Your on the train!
Its a 'first class' sleeper cabin which means there are three bunks one ontop of eachother and you are required to remain in yours for the next 13 hours. You slide your pack under the seat and secure it to the wall of the train using a metal chain and a padlock. This is so, if you fall asleep, its still there when you wake up. You fart about trying to make up your bed which is about 2 foot wide by 5 foot long and heft yourself up into your bunk. Your bed is reasonable and teh sheets are cleanish, you've rationed your water out so as to avoid using the toilets as much as possible in the next 13 hours. You've worked out that the best way to stop people staring at you the giant freakish kind-of indianish creature, for the whole trip is to rig up your scarf like a privacy screen from the top bunk and you settle in with your packet of chips, chocolate cream biscuits and and book and try not to think about the cockroaches as the train rocks your gently to sleep.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Getting busy God style.
Just before I get into it, I'd like to say thanks to everyone who has sent me emails. I havn't always had time to reply to you individualy but need you to understand that these emails are greatly appreciated treasures which I cherish. Thank you for those who are following me and thank you for those whom have helped me stay in touch with home. I love and miss you all.
Now heres that story I promised!
The great God Shiva went away to meditate for 100 years. (Shiva was a bit of a thinker who enjoyed his funky green smoke and abstract philiosophical pondering) Parvati, Shiva's wife waited patiently his him for all of the 100 years and when he returned home to her welcomed him with great love. To show his gratitude and passion for his devoted wife Shiva took Partvati in his arms and made love to her.
Afterwards Parvati was so entranced by her wonderful experiences she was desperate to share her stories with someone. She saw a Sage on earth and tried to tell him her story of passion, but she was a Godess and so could not communicate in the language of mankind. Instead a beautiful lotus flower fell from her mouth onto the Sage.
The Sage took the flower and meditated on it for many days, until eventually falling into a trance and recording the words and images of Partvati and Shivas wonderous couplings.
Thus was documented the Karma Sutra.
1. Will I ever fall in love again?
2. Will I ever have a family of my own?
3. Should I stay in Perth?
4. What should I do with my life?
5. What are my priorities?
Interestingly I have answers for all of these questions now. How delightful.
The plan as it eists currently in my mind:
The love and family stuff is on its way but I have a few years in between (according to my fortune teller) This time of my life is finally about me and what I want which is why it has been so hard for me to figure out. I need not focus any energy on finding family and love, it will come to me in a few years, for now its time to fulfill my dreams and be the explorer I am at heart.
So I will return to Australia early (15th Oct) for Stefan and Kylie's wedding, get an easy travellers/summer job and save some money whilst applying for my Brittish Ancestory Visa. Once I have my Visa and the coldest nasty part of Euro winter is over, head to Ireland to stay with Milo in Cork. Get a job and work there for a few months, travelling to other European cities as I please.
Ta daaa! Clarity. At last!
The grandeur of eternal love and the river of a living Godess
Today we had our fortunes told by a man who knew so incredibly much about me I cannot dispute his knowledge. He sent my mind to rest about my hopes of family and chuildren and gave me the same answer as the strange man who unsolicited told me about my destiny many days ago in Udaipur.
Now Lisa and i are off to colect our sari's we chose yesterday and blouses we had made up to match.
I love India and despite my stomache ache, frequent toilet visits and constant dehydration, I am so glad I am here.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The day begins
After the usual rigmerol of paying your bill which is inevitably incorrect and no one ever has the right change, you trudge out to the front of the hotel and you hit it. India. Its hot. It smells like incense fresh cow shit, garbage, flowers and sand. You can simultaniously hear 2 bus horns, 6 auto horns, 3 men selling chai, cars, cows, people starting their day. Your fellow travellers are chatting about which bus to catch and how its inhuman to be awake before 9am. three rickshaw drivers come at your offering to carry your bags for a price, take you to anywhere for a price, and ask you 'madame wheru frrrom? You lokk liddle beet india I give you good price"
Your tour leader arrives and before you know it your being jammed into a rickshaw with your luggage and 2 other people. Your thighs are squeazed in tight next to eachothers and you dont know whos sweat that is on your legs. Your being thrown around corners at speed, dodging busses and cows, over bumps - when your head hits the roof "ohhh soreee madame very bump" - youve got dust in your mouth and eyes and your thirsty again. But it feels nice to havethe wind on your face and its now quite fun watching as your vehicle stops less than a centremetre from the truck crossing infront of you with 800 cartons of ciggarettes mking a muffin top over the top of the tray. You watch india wizz by in a flurry of dark skins and blight saris, fresh produce and sleeping cows. You smell burning wood, see a thousand deep fried delicious somethings being lifted from a wok and grimmage as a child and dog disagree over a piece of edable garbage.
As soon as you pull into the bus station 3 children run at you, they are dirty and their clothes are rags but their eyes are huge and they beg of you for money to buy bread. You ignore them and keep walking, cringing on the inside at this practiced indifference. You think about children back home with their baby wipes, nappies, fresh clothes, baby food, nutritional requirements, lactose intolerances, special activity regimes and snuggle blankets and your heart screams at the injustice as you tell them "NO" when they tug at your clothes and signify their hunger by putting their hands in their mouths. A man runs at you with an arm full of puppets and yells prices at you in ever more desperate and decreasing amounts. Hes pushing them in your face and walking you backwards into a corner but you push through him with your head down "No thank you NO thank you NO THANKYOU!"
"AGRA AGRA AGRAAAAAAAAAA" shouts a man next to you as you dodge out of the way of his bus only to step into the path of a motorbike with 2 men on it who swerve around you at the last second with not a care in the world for your safety or their own. You push your way through the corwds of gawking locals staring at your spectacle of abnormal dress, movement, skin and luggage. No matter how much you cover up you still feel naked and obscene under their gaze. You manage to agree to paying 25 rupees for a bottle of water even though you know the locals pay less than 10 and grab a bag of chips for breakfast before your bag is grabbed and hefted into the back of a bus and you jump on desperate to find a seat that isnt brocken or crammed between undesirable travelling locals.
You're filthy already, your seat is uncomfotable and your stressed because you accidently bought super spicy curry flavoured chips for breakfast and your book is in the wrong bag and you have nothing to read for the next two hours. But you're on your way to Agra to see the Taj Mahal and you feel incredibly alive.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Seranaded for bread
I had intended to make it to the Brahma temple but spent too long around the lake and before I knew it the sun was setting. I found a step to sit on and sat cross legged drinking in the marvelos view. Two locals approached me for a chat. Kali and Papu. They were lovely and as usualy were selling me something. I explained that i did not want to buy anything but would sit and chat with the as the sun set.
Kali soon left in search of the almighty tourist buck, but Papu remained and talked to me about his life in the desert, his wife and children. Papu was a musician who made his bread by singing and playing his instruent (something like a violin).
After a while we parted and I found a few people using twirling sticks and flags and dancing n the light of the sunset but to no music. i found Papu and asked him to pla so that we would all have some lovely tunes together.
Papu played and sang beautiful music until the sunset, truely a magical serenade to a beautiful day. But when I went to pay him he pushed my money back at me.
"I am not take money from you Nadia" he said. "I am good man who works for his family. I want you to buy flour for me to make chipatti for my children. You not give money."
So together we went and for 100Rupees (around $2.50) I bought Papu 10kg of flour. He told me this would feed his family for a week, hugged me and took off on his walk home to the desert.
I have no photos of Papu or the amazing sunset, but the memory will stay forever.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Holy City of Pushkar.
Yeah I know this is a cheesy photo but its the best I have !
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Lisa is an excellent travel buddy, shes controlling in a lots of ways and needs to know more about stuff than me all the time, but I quite like it about her. It allows me to be super casual and not think about anything or be too concerned. We have a healthy balance of time together, going off to do our own thing regularly so we dont get too much in each others space. I'm really happy we are together, I don't think I would be having such a good time if she wasnt here.
I am having a bloody good time too! Every day is more and more exciting, the culture shock seems to have worn off now so its just about which palace to explore, which temple to energise in or which amazing food to sample.
One thing that does bother me about this experience is the box westerners seem to put themselves in when they get here. Its like "i'm in india now i can become a hippy" and everyione goes around wearing baggy dishevelled clothes, singlet tops and unwashed hair. I dont know where this mentality comes from, because you will never see an Indian behaving like this. Even your homeless street sleepers have the decency to cover their shoulders up and no self respecting Indian woman would care so little about her appearance. Its strikes me as totally odd that in a country so focused on status, image and propriety we westerners come in and behave like a bunch of beggars. I percieve it as somehwat insuting like "Look at me i'm super richer than you and I dont even have to try" that just my opinion anyway, I feel like I'm missing the 'hippy gene' or something.
We are in Pushkar today, its a very sacred place in India, the only place devoted completely to the worship of Brahma, the creator. I can feel this is a good place, it almost buzzes with an unearthly energy and I feel more vibrant and calm after a rest here than i have felt in days.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Big Belly is good, round is prosperity just like Ganesha!
Opium, Immodium, Carpets, castles and cooking
Outer Jodhpur Bishoi tribesman after adjusting his Moustace for his photo to be taken
Monday, September 7, 2009
Hospitals, hire cars and holy places.
So far the following things can be ticked off my travel to-do list:
Visit to non-english speaking Indian hospital (its ok I'm not dead) TICK
Experience a flash onset sand storm TICK
Ride on a local bus with locals staring at me like a sideshow for over 6 hours TICK
Dine wth Royalty TICK
Be rescued from a mob of teenage boys by a gentlemanly Spaniard TICK
Buy a carpet TICK
Sleep in the desert TICK
Meditate in a Maharaja's water garden. TICK
Drink freshly prepared opium water in remote Tribal village. TICK
Have convincing fortune telling experience from unknown holy man who refused payment. TICK
Watch two Indian boys have a dance-off in a nightclub to a Michael Jackson medly. TICK
Now that only leaves: Obtain spititual enlightement, Throw object into the ganges, prank call a telemarketing centre and fall in love. Not too bad really...
The last few days have been simply amazing! Lisa had been having a slight medical problem and when we ran into a delighfully handsome (No he wasn't gay Joseba you are just jealous) Frenchman who was a pharmacist on a rooftop in Jodhpur he told us to go check it out in hospital. So we did and boy I have to say, India has medical care sorted. We westerners could certainly learn a thing or two about India's coordinated chaos because we were seen by a GP referred to a secialist, saw a radiographer and were out of there with a diagosis and prescribed prescription in a matter of only a few hours and all in all enjoyed the experience. (Except me panicking and fretting like a mother for all those hours)
Then straight from hospital into a auto rickshaw to dinner, cocktails and a swish Indian nightclub to shake our booties into the wee hours. (yes this is where we saw the dance off and yes it was AWSOME!!)
the next saw us leave Jodhpur for Udaipur a journey which I will tell to you tomorrow in more detail. Apologies for no pictures in this post, but I left my camera cable in my hire car yesterday, its being returnedto me tomorrow and I will add some to this post then. Now I'm off to watch the sunset (yes again I know!) This time in a boat on the famous Udiapur lake overlooking the great Monsoon palace before a private culturaldance show and to watch Octopussy over dinner as this is the city in which the famous James Bond movie was filmed.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Thar Desert Safari
After the food, music, dancing and games we all fell asleep under the watchful eye of moon and stars and awoke to a clear blue morning.
I even managed to watch the sun rise again with a local dog who had been guarding our campsite.

Back aboard Papu I returned to Jaisalmer for a very much appreciated shower (argh the sand it was everywhere!) We set off on a local bus (ee gads!) for Jodhpur in 1 hour.