Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You're doing what???

Heaving aside the day to day trials of life and seeking out that elusive land that casts back well before the origins of humanity. A beautiful, rich, wet land that motheringly slaps the childish face of modern civilization and artifully demonstrates that we meagre humans are but a daliance in the life of our stunning planet.

So here's how it works. This Sunday I'm setting aside my identity as Nadia Adams, ex-Fremantillian, suburb dwelling, over drinking, over thinking, single, 20 something Assistant Manager of a progressive Women's Health centre. I'm putting on a hell of a lot of kakhi, an over filled backpack and some very spunky (yet mostly I suspect, unecessary) hiking equipment, getting on a plane and taking off on a quest to the Amazon Jungle and the dizzying heights of Peru's infamous Machu Picchu.

My travelling companion, Grizzly is a 50 something suburb dwelling Doctor of Animal Behaviour with servere back problems and an unsatiable appetite for all things adventure.

Together we intend to have as much fun and adventure two rag tag, untrained, unfit, quazi-knowledgeable, semi-experienced, non-spannish speaking, over enthusiastic, cashed up travellers can cram into their annual leave entitlement.

Here is the place of records, should you chose to follow our quest...


  1. Hehe I'm the first to comment on your new blog.

    Take lots of photos on that new camera of yours. I'll be watching.

  2. I am so looking forward to hearing all about your adventures!! And seeing the photos too.........Kazza

  3. Those Nu Zeelanders are such a backward lot! Fancy no visibles on the keyboard - still, your rendition was funny (not so funny for poor you!)
