Sunday, May 31, 2009

day 2 - aukland - santhiago

well theres some things you find outaboutyourselfwhen you travel. yesterday i found out that when i cobine lack of sleep, a turbu;ent plane ride and one glass of beer i become drunk to the pont of hugging furniture and beggig to godto stop the world from spinning

so last nighht i spent a good amount of time on the floor of our hotel rooms bathroom wonderig why they would invent walls that move around in swirly patterns. fun!

i'm in aukland international airport atthe moment using a paid internet kiosk thati cant figure out how to use capitals or backkspace - so appols for poor punctuation and spelling.

all is well on my journey and im excited that today i get to travel bacwards in a time machine. the fligt im about to take departs auklandat4.30pm on 1st june and after 12 hours of travel arrives in santiago at 11.30am on the 1st june...

so now ican tick off mythings to before i die list "TIME TRAVEL"

yipee skippy! or to be less culturally appropriate SWEET AS BRO!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day 1 - Perth- Sydney - Aukland

So... went to bed at 10pm, got a text from, Jay and Helen at 1.45am and Lisa at 2.50am. Thanks guys who needs sleep anyways? After that counting sheep lost its charm and i stayed up and read a book till leaving for the airport at 3.45am. 

Currently hanging about at Sydney International - worst airport EVER! next time I hear someone complain about Perth being backwards compared to Sydney i am going to point out all the failings of this airport, including no place to buy a meal any more substancial than a Mrs Macs meat pie... No wonder the world thinks we all get around in the pouches of kangaroos!

Anyways, enough compalaints. All is well so far. Another 1.5 hours here at boredom central then on to Aukland to stay the night at some uber posh 5 star that Grizzly booked. (Sweet) Then on to Santiago tomorrow afternoon.

Interestingly, I am at a free internet stall using a keyboard with no letters or numbers on the keys. Not doing to shabby a job really... I promise this blog will be more interesting in future posts.

To make it more interesting now, here are some words that i enjoy saying:



"Tea pot"



Please don't give up I promise to be more interesting next time. Also will probably make more coherent thoughts after some sleepy sleeps.

Fo shizzle!


Friday, May 29, 2009

The Final Countdown

OK... Its 34 minutes until I knock off work for a whole month. I can see my desk ... Odd very odd... It means the work is all done... The bags are packed in my lounge room... My car is even clean... (Woah!) The anticipation.. Oh god the EXCITEMENT!!!

Stay tuned peoples.. things are about to happen...


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

You're doing what???

Heaving aside the day to day trials of life and seeking out that elusive land that casts back well before the origins of humanity. A beautiful, rich, wet land that motheringly slaps the childish face of modern civilization and artifully demonstrates that we meagre humans are but a daliance in the life of our stunning planet.

So here's how it works. This Sunday I'm setting aside my identity as Nadia Adams, ex-Fremantillian, suburb dwelling, over drinking, over thinking, single, 20 something Assistant Manager of a progressive Women's Health centre. I'm putting on a hell of a lot of kakhi, an over filled backpack and some very spunky (yet mostly I suspect, unecessary) hiking equipment, getting on a plane and taking off on a quest to the Amazon Jungle and the dizzying heights of Peru's infamous Machu Picchu.

My travelling companion, Grizzly is a 50 something suburb dwelling Doctor of Animal Behaviour with servere back problems and an unsatiable appetite for all things adventure.

Together we intend to have as much fun and adventure two rag tag, untrained, unfit, quazi-knowledgeable, semi-experienced, non-spannish speaking, over enthusiastic, cashed up travellers can cram into their annual leave entitlement.

Here is the place of records, should you chose to follow our quest...